wordpress cms

Whether you’re selling handmade products on Etsy or you’re a multimillion dollar company with multiple locations and hundreds of employees, there’s one website design platform that works for any size business. WordPress is the most widely used content management system that powers 43% of all websites on the Internet and 14.7% of the world’s top websites, according to kinsta. TechCrunch, TED talks, CNN, Spotify, NBC Sports and CBS Radio are all examples of the big brands that trust WordPress to run their digital footprint.

In this article, you’ll discover the advantages of using WordPress, including why it’s a popular go-to website platform for many businesses.

What is a content management system?

If you’ve been researching web design platforms or digital marketing in general, you’ve probably come across the acronym CMS, which stands for content management system. CMS is a software application that enables you to create a website without code. With this system, you can create content, publish content, add images and videos with an intuitive interface.

A CMS combines a content management application (CMA) and content delivery application (CDA) that take care of all of the code, database and overall architecture in the backend. With WordPress, there are various plugins that add functionality or bolster existing functionality.

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WordPress CMS is open-source software

Open-source software means it’s free to download from the Internet and you can customize the website the way you want it. WordPress has amassed a large community of website developers who trade secrets, develop new tools and create “themes” or templates.

WordPress is the most popular CMS primarily because of its open-source software. Its usage has increased in popularity by an average of 12% every year since 2011. This means that WordPress isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and it will continue to upgrade its software. In fact, there are more than 55,000 WordPress plugins accessible for free.

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WordPress works for all types of businesses in almost every industry:


The WordPress CMS used to be confused as a blogging platform. Indeed, bloggers love the easy-to-use software to publish articles, categorize them, add tags, embed videos and upload images. However, WordPress has grown into a robust web design platform for a variety of different websites:

  • Online retail shops with e-commerce functionality
  • Event websites with online registration forms
  • Member only websites with various levels of access
  • News websites with organized pages of content categories
  • Professional photography website with slideshows and filterable portfolios

WordPress scales as your business scales. Freelancers, for instance, may not need all of the bells and whistles that a multi-staffed enterprise might need. Start simple with WordPress and add functionality as you need it.

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WordPress is easy to use

WordPress’ CMS has HMTL, CSS and Javascript baked in, which means you don’t have to be an experienced coder to create a professional-looking website. The WordPress dashboard is organized well, giving it an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate and execute new content.

As the Internet’s most used CMS, that also means cyberspace is filled with articles, video tutorials and forums to help you learn how to use WordPress. If you’re set on DIY-ing your WordPress, you’ll also find webinars or classes that you can take to further your knowledge. Additionally, many plugin developers are happy to answer any questions you may have about the functionality of their plugins.

WordPress is completely customizable

The frontend aesthetics or overall look of a WordPress website are defined by an application called a theme. If you are DIY-ing your website, you can purchase a new look through a theme depository. However, the developers of these particular themes or templates may eventually stop updating the code — which could compromise your website later on.

Thanks to visual builders like Elementor, Divi and Beaver Builder, you can easily create your own theme with a drag-and-drop system. The more aesthetic options you want, the more these plugins will cost. A professional WordPress website designer can create a jaw-dropping beautiful website while you save your time running your business.

WordPress is safe and secure

WordPress is one of the most secure CMS on the Internet. Their team of engineers are always investigating vulnerabilities that could make its software accessible by hackers. That’s why WordPress software continually updates to protect their users from cyber attacks.

The WordPress plugin repository also offers a slew of security plugins — including Wordfence and Sucuri — that regularly scans your website for malware or unauthorized use; that prevents known high risk IP addresses from accessing your website; and that alerts you over e-mail if a plugin needs to be updated.

WordPress website maintenance is easy with the right host

Over time, WordPress websites can weigh down your host’s servers. That’s why it’s important to have a secure web hosting service that specializes in WordPress websites. Look for a hosting provider that offers:

  • Regular security scans and checks
  • Automatic back-ups
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Optimized caching system

WordPress websites require ongoing maintenance of its CMS software, themes, plugins and database. It’s important to keep all of the components to a WordPress website updated regularly because it allows the website to run at optimal performance and it keeps the website secure from hackers looking for a back door to your content.

WordPress gets lots of love from search engines

WordPress makes it easy for Google and Bing to crawl the content on your website and index into their search engines. The built-in WordPress features that boosts your website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO) include:

  • Post Categories: This makes it easier for users to click through your website and browse through content. Using keywords, you can attract the attention of search engines.
  • Post Tags: Your WordPress website can curate content automatically with content marked with keyword-rich tags.
  • Permalinks: Customize the URL of your website with SEO keywords — which allows search engines to easily find your site’s content.
  • SEO Plugins: Free WordPress plugins like Yoast, SEO Press or All-In-One SEO enable you to customize the meta data of posts and pages. Other features are available to enhance search engine indexing and performance.

The bottom line

There is a reason WordPress is the most popular web design platform on the Internet. It’s reliable, safe, SEO friendly and easy to use. However, companies that try to DIY their website spin their wheels trying to learn the system and troubleshoot unforeseen issues that crop up. A professional WordPress website designer can give you the proper guidance to keep your website’s overall look in line with your brand standards, as well as prevent you from overspending on plugins and other services that you don’t need.

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