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What is the ROI on graphic design?

What is the ROI on graphic design?

Good graphic design can be expensive. And if you’re a small business with a limited marketing budget, you might be wondering if spending such a large amount of that budget on graphic design is really worth it. After all, isn’t graphic design just about “making things...

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Why every business owner needs to read this marketing blog

Why every business owner needs to read this marketing blog

I could spend a lot of words talking about marketing tools, trends and theories that may or may not work for your business. Don’t get me wrong. Those words are valuable in the marketing world … for marketing professionals. If you’re a business owner unfamiliar with...

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When is it time for a rebrand?

When is it time for a rebrand?

Remember that logo you had developed a few years ago (make that 10 years ago)? Your business logo could be embroidered on polo shirts. It might be embedded in your e-mail signature. You paid good money for it to be laser-cut and mounted to your storefront. Whenever...

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"Note To Self"

Weekly motivational e-mail from Heather Bragg

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Inbound Marketing

How to Build Trust with Your Audience

Content Marketing

Tell the Right Story

Website Primer

The Foundation of Marketing

Earned Media Awareness

Develop a Public Relations Strategy

Brand Identity

Make the Most of Your First Impression

E-mail Marketing

The Right Way to Do E-mail Marketing

Graphic Design

The Power of Good Graphic Design

Creative Samples

Look Over Some of Our Latest Designs

Website Design Packages

Bragg Media’s Process & Process

Professional Marketing Plan

Intensive Consultation, Strategies & Plan

Marketing Retainers

Branding, Creative, Digital and Strategy

Bragg Brand Bootcamps

For Businesses that Need A Lot of Creative Work

Marketing Coaching

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Website Audit

Find Out How Your Website is Really Doing

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